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Student Tennessee Education Association (STEA) welcomes our teacher education candidates to its professional organization

The Student Tennessee Education Association (STEA) is a pre-approved organization for students who are preparing to be educators in any of the institutions of higher education in the state of Tennessee. STEA exists to help you make a smooth transition from the campus to the classroom. In addition to your education courses, STEA supplements your formal education to help you learn about salaries, contracts, competency testing, evaluations, disciplines, and certification requirements (just to name a few). Many students join STEA for liability insurance; however there are a great deal of workshops and benefits offered to its members (classroom management, portfolio development, PRAXIS preparation, etc.).

Contact STEA advisor Ms. D. Jackson about joining STEA (STEA Office: 212 Clay, ext. 5480).TSU-STEA

TSU-STEA Advisors:
Mrs. Debbie Jackson
Dr. Nicole Kendall
Dr. Celeste Williams

NEA Student Program - You Tube Channel

The NEA Student Program connects pre-professional educators from all across the nation each year at their Fall Connections and Summer Leadership Conference. Speak with your local STEA advisor about professional development opportunities at the national level.



Can you do the future?

DMSC declares a state of engagement!

We're proud to re-brand; announcing our three-state, regional Governor's Challenge: a new name for our Podcasting Tournament.

Governor's Challenge Podcast Tournament